



02.01 Concept of BUS, Data movement among register.    
02.02 A language to represent conditional data transfer. 

02.03 Data movement from/to memory.

(02.01) Concept of bus:-

What is BUS?
ð  A BUS is a data connection between two or more devices connected to the computer.
ð  A computer bus is consists of a set of parallel conductors, (parallel conductors may be conventional wires, copper tracks on a printed circuit board, or microscopic aluminum trails on the surface of a silicon chip.)
ð  We can also say the BUS is a group of wires that connects different components (i.e. Motherboard, Processor, Memory (ram), Power Supply, Hard disk) of computer.
ð  Bus is used to carrying data (transmitting data), control signal and memory address from one part/component to another part/component of computer.
ð  In computer architecture, a bus is a communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer, or between computers.
ð  BUS stands for Bidirectional Universal Switch.
ð  A BUS can be in different size:-

1.  8-bit BUS
2. 16-bit BUS
3.  32-bit BUS and
4. 64-bit BUS

ð The transmission of information of BUS depends on its size. For Eg: - A bus of 8-bit can transmit 8-bit of information at a time. Similarly A bus of 64 –bit can transmitted 64-bit of information at a time.
ð A bus can be internal or it can be external.
ð Below given figure shows the data movement of BUS architecture.
ð There are three types of buses: -
1.    Address Bus
2.    Data Bus
3.    Control Bus

Data Bus
Ø  The bus which carries data only is called data bus.
Ø  The data of data bus is flow in both direction i.e. bidirectional (between the microprocessor (CPU) and memory (RAM).)

Ø  The width of a data bus is directly related to the largest number that the bus can carry.
Address Bus
Ø  Address BUS is a group of wires or conducting path which carries address/information only about the location of data in memory.
Ø   The data of address bus flow in one direction i.e. unidirectional. (between the microprocessor (CPU) and memory (RAM).)

Ø  Amount of memory a system can address is determined by the length of address bus,

Control Bus:
Ø  The control bus is used to generate timing and control signals, to make sure that everything is flowing smoothly from place to place.
Ø  Following are the control signals:-
ü  Memory read
ü  Memory write
ü  I/O read
ü  I/O write

Operation of Bus:-
The following operation of bus is as follows:
⇉⇉⇉            If One device want or wishes to send data to another device:
                            I.        Obtain the use of the device which want to send data to Bus
                          II.         Transfer data to the Bus.
⇉⇉⇉      If one device wishes to request data from another device:
             1. Obtain the use of Bus.
             2. Transfer a request to other device over the appropriate control and address lines. It has to wait for second device to send the data.

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