This question was conducted only for LE (Letral Entry) students in the month of march -2021
(Regular student's exam were postpone due to COVID-19)
Sub Code: - 1618403
Special Exam
Time: 3Hrs
Semester IV(New)
Full Marks: 70
Pass marks: 28
Group A
Choose the most suitable answer from the following options: - (1*20=20)
(i) A collection of related data
(a) Information
(b) Valuable information
(c) Database
(d) Meta data
(ii) DBMS manages interaction between database and
(a) Users
(b) Client
(c) End users
(d) Stack holder
(iii) Database is generally
(a) System centered
(b) User centered
(c) Company centered
(d) Data centered
(iv) Restriction placed on the data
(b) Attributes
(c) Parameter
(d) Constraint
(v) IMS stands for
(a) Information Mastering System
(b) Instruction Management System
(c) Instruction Manipulation System
(d) Information Management System
(vi) Object is the relationship with
(a) Data
(b) Attributes
(c) Entity
(d) Constraints
(vii) In which normal from a composite attributes is converted to
individual attributes
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) None of the above
(viii) One to many or many to many relationship must
(a) Be in 2NF
(b) Be in 3NF
(c) Have a single attribute key
(d) Have a composite key
(ix) Functional dependencies are types of constraints that are based on
(a) Key
(b) Key revisited
(c) Super set key
(d) None of the mentioned
(x) Table in 2ND Normal form
(a) Eliminates all hidden dependencies
(b) Eliminates Insertion dependencies
(c) Have a composite key
(d) Have all non key fields depends on the whole primary key
(xi) Which normal simplifies and ensure there are minimized data aggregates
and repetitive.
(a) 1NF
(b) 2NF
(c) 3NF
(d) All of the mentioned
(xii) Which normal form has a relation that process data on identical entity?
(a) 3NF
(b) 2NF1
(c) 1NF
(d) None of the above
(xiii) Which of the following scheme does define a view or view of the database
for poplar users
(a) Internal schema
(b) Conceptual schema
(c) Physical schema
(d) External schema
(xiv) Which of the following is an attribute that can uniquely identified
a row in a table.
(a) Secondary key
(b) Candidate key
(c) Foreign key
(d) Alternate key
(xv) Which of the following are the process of selecting data storage and
(a) Logical database design
(b) Physical database design
(c) Testing
(d) Selecting
(xvi) Which of the following does refer to correctness and completeness of
the data?
(a) Data security
(b) Data constraints
(c) Data independence
(d) Data integrity
(xvii) The relationship between Department and company is a
(a) One to one
(b) One to many
(c) Many to many
(d) Many to one
(xviii) Which joints operation are SQL server default join
(a) Outer
(b) Inner
(c) Equi
(d) None of the mentioned
(xix) It is essentially used to search for patterns in target string
(a) Like predicate
(b) NULL predicate
(c) In predicate
(d) Out predicate
(xx) Which one is combination of two or more attributes used as a primary key?
(a) Composite key
(b) Alternate key
(c) Candidate key
(d) Foreign key
➥ Answer all Five Questions: - (5*4=20)
2. Write the requirement of database system.
Write the advantage of database system.
3. What do you mean by database architecture? Explain it.
What do you mean by role of DBA? Explain it.
4. What do you mean by E-R Modeling symbol? Explain it.
What do you mean by E-R diagram? Explain it.
5. How does relational database work? Explain it.
What do you mean by Tuple relational calculus?
6. What do you mean by Data integrity constraints? Explain it.
How does database maintained databases security risk? Explain it.
Group:- "C"
➥ Answer all Five Questions: - (5*6=30)
7. What do you mean by database models? Briefly explain different database models.
What do you mean by relational algebra? Explain its different function.
8. What are the data types of SQL? Explain it.
Write some characteristics of SQL with examples.
9. Write short notes on:
a. Inner join
b. Outer join
Write short notes on:
a. Union operation
b. Updates and delete operation
10. What do you mean by aggregate functions? Explain it.
What do you mean by functional dependency? Explain it.
11. How does 2nd normal form work? Explain it.
Write characteristics of normalization.
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