
Previous year question for Computer Science and Engineering semester 4 Digital electronics and microprocessor year 2018

Sub Code: - 1618402

Time : 3Hrs
   Semester  IV(New)  
  DE & M         

Full Marks : 70
Pass marks : 28

Group A
Choose the most suitable answer from the following options: -   (1*20=20)

(i) Truth table is used to express:

(a) Boolean expression
(b) Boolean map
(c) Boolean matrix
(d) Boolean addition

(ii) 1’s complement of 11001010 is given by:

(a) 11001011
(b) 11001001
(c) 00110101
(d) 00110111

(iii) The time required for a gate or inverter to change its state called:

(a) Rise time
(b) Decay time
(c) Propagation time
(d) Charging time

(v) A microprocessor is ALU and:
(a) Control unit on a single chip
(b) Memory on a single chip
(c) Register unit and I/O device on a single chip
(d) Register unit and control unit on a single chip

(vii) K- map is used for the purpose:
(a) Of reducing the electronic circuits used
(b) To map the given Boolean logic function
(c) To minimize the terms in a Boolean expression
(d) To maximize the terms of a given Boolean expression

(viii) EPROM contents can be erased by exposing it to:

(a) U-V rays
(b) Infra red rays
(c) By heat radiations
(d) None of the above

(ix) The gates required to build a half adder are:

(a) EX-OR gate and NOR gate
(b) EX-OR gate and OR gate
(c) EX-OR gate and AND gate
(d) Four NAND gate

(x)  The number of output pins of a 8085 microprocessor are:

(a) 40
(b) 27
(c) 21
(d) 19

(xi) Which one of the following is 8-bit register in microprocessor?

(a) 16-but stack pointer (SP)
(b) 16-bit program counter (SC)
(c) Accumulator
(d) None of the above

(xii) General purpose registers in a 8085 microprocessor are:

(a) B-C, D-E &H-L
(b) B-C and H-L
(c) A, B-C, H-L
(d) None of the above

(xiii) The use of OP-AMP is generally not preferred as:

(a) Divider
(b) Integrator
(c) Subtractor
(d) Differentiator

(xiv) Which of the following is a universal gate?

(a) NOT
(b) AND
(c) NOR
(d) OR

(xv) In Boolean Algebra the plus sign (+) indicates:

(a) AND Operation
(b) OR Operation
(c) NOT Operation
(d) None of the above

(xvi) The unit that performs the arithmetic and logical operation on the stored number in known as:

(a) Arithmetic logic unit
(b) Control unit
(c) Memory
(d) Processor

(xvii) LED’s are usually switched ON and OFF by:

(a) Resistor in the circuit
(b) Diode in the circuit
(c) Transistor circuit
(d) None of the above

(xviii) A stack pointer is  _______ bit resistor in 8085 microprocessor.

(a) 8 bit
(b) 12 bit
(c) 16 bit
(d) 32 bit

(xix) Flip-flops come in the category of:

(a) Combinational logic circuit
(b) Sequential logic circuit
(c) Both the combinational as well as sequential logic circuit
(d) None of the above

(xx) The solution of (10000-1111) is given by:

(a) 1001
(b) 0001
(c) 1110
(d) 0000


Answer all Five Questions: -                         (5*4=20) 

2.  (a) What is the difference between binary code and BCD? Explain.
(b) Convert the decimal number 1245 into octal.         
Solve the following problem given in binary forms:

3.  Simplify the following and realize it using NOR gate only:

4. What is De Morgan's theorem? Prove the following using De Morgan's theorem:

Draw the logic symbol and explain the operation of T-type flip-flop.

5.  What are the essential elements of a CPU? Discuss the function of each element in brief.
Explain the operation of program counter in 8085 microprocessor.

6. Define combinational and sequential logical circuits. 2+2 zorS191 Also give examples of each.
Write a short note on Master-Slave J-K flip-flop.

Group:- "C"

Answer all Five Questions: -                         (5*6=30) 

7.  Explain Seven segment display with diagram.
a) What is an excess-3 code?
(b) Add the following hex numbers
1.  93 + DE
2. ABCD + EF12

8.  What do you mean by Min-terms and Max-terms of Boolean expression?
Draw the K-map for the given function:

9.  What is A/D converter? Explain; also explain any one type of A/D converter.
Explain the operation of a 4-bit binary counter with necessary waveforms.

10.  Explain the operations performed by following instructions:
What do you understand by (a) main memory and (b) secondary memory? Explain.

11.  Explain the function of following pins in the schematic diagram of Intel 8085 µP. 

Draw a full adder circuit and explain its operation with truth table.

(Note:- Update available soon, comment for any type of help) 

Other links: -

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 Digital Electronics and microprocessor: -Click me  

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