Sub Code: - 1618403
Time : 3Hrs
Sem. IV(New)
Full Marks : 70
Pass marks : 28
Group A
Choose the most suitable answer from the following options: - (1*20=20)
(i) When a primary key is defined in the table, DBMS automatically creates a __________ on a primary key column.
(a) Unique Index
(b) Sequence
(c) Trigger
(d) Synonym
(ii) Which normal form is the particular dependency removed?
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) BCNF
(iii) Which is major data structure used in RDBMS?
(a) Trees
(b) Stacks
(c) Graph
(d) Array
(iv) The view of total database content is:
(a) Conceptual view
(b) Internal view
(c) External view
(d) Physical view
(v) Which is not aggregate function?
(a) Count
(b) Avg
(c) Create
(d) Max
(vi) Under which category do the commands CREATE and ALTER belong to:
(a) DML
(b) DDL
(c) UML
(d) None of the above
(vii) ACID stands for:
(a) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
(b) Atomicity, Concurrency, Isolation, Durability
(c) Aggregation, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
(d) None of the above
(viii) How many primary key can a table in database?
(a) Only one
(b) At least one
(c) More than one
(d) Any number of
(ix) Which of the following are the properties of entities?
(a) Groups
(b) Table
(c) Attributes
(d) None of the above
(x) Relational algebra is:
(a) DDL
(b) Meta Language
(c) Procedural Query Language
(d) None of the above
(xi) The statement in SQL which allows to change definition of table is:
(a) Alter
(b) Update
(c) Create
(d) Select
(xii) Count function in SQL returns the number of:
(a) Values
(b) District Values
(c) Groups
(d) Columns
(xiii) In an E-R diagram Entity set is represented by:
(a) Ellipse
(b) Square
(c) Rectangle
(d) None of the above
(xiv) The language used in application program to request data from DBMS is referred as:
(a) DML
(b) DDL
(c) VOL
(d) SOL
(xv) The number of attributes in a relation is called its___________________
(a) Row
(b) Column
(c) Degree
(d) None of the above
(xvi) Which of the following is not a type of Database?
(a) Hierarchical
(b) Relational
(c) Network
(d) Transition
(xvii) SELECT * from employee is what type of statement?
(a) DML
(b) DDL
(c) View
(d) Integrity Constraint
(xviii) The full form of DDL is:
(a) Dynamic Data Language
(b) Detailed Data Language
(c) Data Definition Language
(d) None of the above
(xix) Which database is closest to the users?
(a) External
(b) Internal
(c) Physical
(d) Conceptual
(xx) Which of the following is comparison operator in SQL?
(a) =
(b) LIKE
(d) All of the ab0ve
➥ Answer all
Five Questions: -
What do you mean by Functional
Dependency?3. Explain the term Candidate key, Primary key and Foreign key.
Discuss in brief about
Relational Model.4. Explain some functions of Relational Algebra.
Define Surrogate Key and explain
with examples.5. Differentiate between Schema and Instance.
Write syntax of SQL Orderby and
Groupby clauses.6. Explain Grant and Revoke Commands in SQL.
Explain the term super key and
candidate key with examples.
Group:- "C"
➥ Answer all
Five Questions: -
Explain the concept of FD’s with
suitable examples.8. Explain in brief about various SQL statement.
What is Relational Algebra?
Explain with suitable examples.9. Explain the purpose of normalization with suitable diagram.
What is a Join? Discuss
different types of Joins.10. Consider the following relations:
HOTEL (hotel no, name, address)
ROOM (room no, hotel no, type, price-pn)
BOOKING (hotel no, guest no, date from, date to, room no.)
GUEST (guest no, name, address)
Answer the following queries using the Relational Algebra:
a. List all the
hotels which are situated in Kolkata.
b. List all single
rooms with a charge below Rs. 1000 per night
List all guests currently staying at Taj Hotel.
Find (AG)+ in the relational
schema R of functional dependency as:F= {A -> B, A -> C, CG -> H, CH -> I, B -> H}.
Is (AG) is a super key of R?
11. Consider the following tables:
Write short notes on the following:
Security Features of DBMS
ACID Properties.
(Note:- Update available soon, comment for any type of help)
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