
Previous year question for Computer Science and Engineering semester 6 management year 2019

Sub Code: - 1600601

Time : 3Hrs
   Semester  VI(New)  
  Management/ MOP   

Full Marks : 70
Pass marks : 28

Group A

Choose the most suitable answer from the following options: -   (1*20=20)

(i) Which among these is a service business?

(a) Textile Business
(b) Counseling Business
(c) Leather Business
(d) Wood Business

(ii) Which among these is not a manufacturing business?

(a) Plastic container making
(b) Smart phone making
(c) Hair dressing Business
(d) Candy making Business

(iii) Economic sector is part of

(a) Industry
(b) Trade
(c) Transfer of goods
(d) Exchange of goods

(iv) Which is an example of Globalization?

(a) Transportation
(b) Media & Entertainment
(c) Law
(d)  All of the above

(v) Process industry has primary production process as

(a) Continuous
(b) Individual unit
(c) Parts of materials
(d) Bills of materials

(vi) Concept of scientific management is given by

(a) Henry Fayol
(b) F.W Taylor
(c) Mc. Gregar
(d) Herzberg

(vii) 14 (fourteen) principles of management are given by

(a) Maslow
(b) F.W. Taylor
(c) David Ricardo
(d) Henry Fayol

(viii) What is the maximum number required in sole-proprietorship?

(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 7
(d) 50

(ix) Partnership firm must be registered under

(a) Partnership-Act
(b) Companies-Act
(c) Both
(d) None

(x)  Sole proprietorship is best when

(a) No capital is invested
(b) Few capital is invested
(c) Too much capital is invested
(d) Work area is expanded

(xi) Everyone in the organization should have

(a) One boss
(b) Two boss
(c) Three boss
(d) Four boss

(xii) What is ensured by functional organization?

(a) Greater efficiency
(b) Standardization of operations
(c) Division of labor
(d) All of the above

(xiii) Which technique of Project management is developed in Japan?

(a) C.P.M
(b) P.E.R.T
(c) Kaizen
(d) None

(xiv) Which among these is not a source of recruitment?

(a) Advertisement
(b) Employment exchange
(c) Consultancy
(d) Social media

(xv) High morale leads to

(a) Off job satisfaction
(b) On job satisfaction
(c) Personal satisfaction
(d) All of the above

(xvi) Who gave the Motivation theory of Hygine?

(a) Maslow
(b) Herzberg
(c) Mc. Gregar
(d) Victor Vroom

(xvii) Which among these is a Financial statement?

(a) Journal
(b) Balance sheet
(c) Trial balance
(d) Voucher

(xviii) Which author developed theory X & Y of motivation?

(a) Mc. Gregar
(b) Victor Vroom
(c) Maslow
(d) Herzberg

(xix) Apprenticeship is

(a) Off job training
(b) On job training
(c) Both
(d) None

(xx) Workmen’s Compensation Act was enacted in

(a) 1936
(b) 1947
(c) 1923
(d) 1948

Answer all Five Questions: -                         (5*4=20) 

2. Give five example of service business with brief introduction.
What is Manufacturing business? Explain with examples.

3. Define Industry business and Trade with example.
What is intellectual property? What are rights related to them?

4. What are the positive and negative impacts of Globalization on India? 
Explain in ten to fifteen sentences about Engineering Industry.

5. Explain in brief basic principles of Management.
Define management and administration. What is the difference between them?

6. What is Department and administration? Why is it needed? 
Explain the sources of recruitment.

Group:- "C"

Answer all Five Questions: -                         (5*6=30) 

7. What principles must be followed in delegation of power? 
What are the advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization of authority?

8. What do you understand by H R Planning? What are its main functions? 
Explain the safety provisions under “Factory Act 1948”.

9. What is Motivation? Explain Maslow’s theory of Motivation.
What are the benefits are provided to workers under E. S. I. Act-1948?

10. What is meant by Budget? Explain different types of budget.
What is the process of material purchase in an organization? Discuss its steps.

11.  What is Project formulation? What are the elements of Project formulation?
What do you understand by PERT? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

(Note:- Update available soon, comment for any type of help) 

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  1. Sir, Please upload question sets of E-commerce semester 6 computer science branch.

  2. Yes, due to some natural issues i am suffering from problem. as soon as possible i will do it for you...
    Thank you for your concern.

  3. The owner of website should upload the answer of objective question.

  4. The owner of this website should upload the answer of all objective question

    1. Okay we will upload answer of objective question as soon as possible..!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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